Sunday, October 10, 2010

Week 5

The weeks in my studio have been flying by and I am already reflecting on my 5th week. This week, I still worked on research. This week, I have been looking at inspiring artists in addition to companies that do branding work and have come across a couple artists and companies that really inspire me. The first artist that I am drawn to is Tom Geismar. Not only am I inspired by he work he has done but by his process. I was especially interested in the role that sketching on paper plays in his design process. As stated in his interview with Logo Design Love, "Sketching allows me to indicate certain forms, especially curves, that I find difficult and cumbersome with the computer. And sketching allows me to suggest and idea or concept, while drawing with the computer leads very quickly to a sharply defined object". I can definitely agree with the advice given by Geismar. I think I tend to get restricted by the tools on the computer when forming ideas and sketching would allow me to not be restricted to these areas right away. I have also been intrigued by the work done by Landor Associates, a strategic brand consulting firm. Their motto is "creating brands that transform business". Their work involves taking an ordinary company and making it extraordinary. Their work stands out from other companies. I was especially interested in the Delta Sky Miles project. They created an unforgettable name, which stood out from other airline frequent flyer programs. A glimpse of the project:

The entire project and the rest of their work can be seen here:  LANDOR

I have also gotten all of the Amtrak travel brochures, and have been looking at the format and layout of the book as well as the information provided. I have found it to be informative so far.

For the upcoming week, I am focusing a lot of my time on my project proposal. I am extremely happy with the feedback I received on the draft proposal I wrote and will use the comments and suggests in the final proposal. I will make sure to pay special attention to my audience, as this was my biggest criticism in my comments. Also this week, I would like to begin to create some mock up logos and booklets, just to start and look at the styles and layouts I am interested in. I would also like to explore color, because I think color will play a very important role in my project.

IP work done this week: Worked on draft proposal (1.5 hours), researched (3 hours), read through amtrak brochures and took notes (1 hour), Consulted with Erica (1/2 hour), sketched (1/2 hour)

More updates next week!

1 comment:

  1. This all sounds good. But you need to summarize your research findings on your blog -pretty short- since that is the bulk of the work you have been doing. You need to start sketching and doing color studies right away, so that you are thinking as you are making.The Delta Skymiles is a good thing for you to look at. The blue color of course corresponds with the sky. What about the train? Green and earth colors? What do you think? Think about how colors create a mood. In thinking about train travel I think you want to be creating an inviting space indoors as you look outdoors. Specifically what do you see on this train trip? So I'm saying start doing some color studies as well as sketches.. It's very important in creating mood.
