Saturday, October 30, 2010

Week 8: Text Design

This week I was determined to create an original text. I wanted my text to evoke a feeling in the viewer. It was also important to me that it had a delicate, calm and one-of-a-kind feeling. To create this text, I started by sketching in my sketch book and then scanned the ones that I liked the best. Some of my sketches can be seen below:

After sketching, I worked on creating vector images from the text by using the pen tool to outline the text. The final text can be seen here: 
I am really happy with the way that the text turned out and I am now working on incorporating this text into brochure designs. I am interested in playing around with the format of the text and exploring the different ways I can use it in the brochure design. 

This week, before working on my own text, I played around with another brochure design that played off of the vintage label look. I like the simplicity of it and I am hoping to use the text I have made and work it into a design similar to this one. I also would like to start incorporating some vintage patterns into my designs. I think they would work really well with the text I have made.  

My plan and goals for next week are to continue to work on my brochures by incorporating my new text and exploring color. I would also like to ask the class what they think of the text so far and the name "Escape", which is what I thinking for the name of my train right now. 

IP work done this week: Worked on brochure design (45 min), sketched/worked on text in illustrator (5 hours), read book on Art Deco design (45 min) 

Friday, October 22, 2010

Week 7

This week I started to turn my research into something visual by creating mock up brochure covers. During this process, I explored colors and different texts. The brochures can be seen below:

After this exploration, I determined that I was happiest with the one that did not use a photograph. While I think that scenery and depicting the colors that will be seen from inside the train looking out, I do not think that using a photograph is giving me the mood that I am looking for in my design. Rather, I would like to further explore using text only and possibly adding illustrations to later iterations. When using text only, it is essential that I create the mood with the text. I will do this by hand drawing some of my text so that I can add tiny details such as curved and delicate line work. Since I want the feeling of my train to be elegant and comfortable, my font will need to display this. I am in the process of designing some text now and I hope to  be able to scan it in and play around with formatting this weekend.

IP work done this week: Worked on brochures (6 hours)

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Week 6

This week I spent most of my time working on my midterm proposal. One of my main focuses for the midterm proposal was understanding my audience. After many discussions and reflections on my project idea, I determined that my IP project is directed a specific group of people and culture. Recognizing this group of people has and will continue to help in determining future design elements and decisions.

This week I also researched the Michigan Central Railroad. I was interested in this railroad because it was an important railroad line that used to run within Michigan. Further, one of the train depots is located in Northern Michigan in a town called Charlevoix. It was interesting to learn about the type of public transportation that used to run within Michigan and its contribution to the state. Since it is no longer running, I hope that my IP project will both bring back memories and show what train transportation could be if it ran again.

My goal for next week is to start putting my research into some type of visual format. I will start doing this by creating design briefs for two different trains (a commuter train and a site seeing train). I will list materials needed for the inside of each of these trains and compare/ contrast how they would be similar and different. These briefs will contain dummy content and will focus primarily on color and fonts in attempt to establish a tone for both my train and the northern Michigan culture.

IP work done this week: worked on proposal (2.5 hrs), continued artist and train research (1.5 hr), began design brief mock up sketches (4 hrs), logo sketches (2 hrs).

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Week 5

The weeks in my studio have been flying by and I am already reflecting on my 5th week. This week, I still worked on research. This week, I have been looking at inspiring artists in addition to companies that do branding work and have come across a couple artists and companies that really inspire me. The first artist that I am drawn to is Tom Geismar. Not only am I inspired by he work he has done but by his process. I was especially interested in the role that sketching on paper plays in his design process. As stated in his interview with Logo Design Love, "Sketching allows me to indicate certain forms, especially curves, that I find difficult and cumbersome with the computer. And sketching allows me to suggest and idea or concept, while drawing with the computer leads very quickly to a sharply defined object". I can definitely agree with the advice given by Geismar. I think I tend to get restricted by the tools on the computer when forming ideas and sketching would allow me to not be restricted to these areas right away. I have also been intrigued by the work done by Landor Associates, a strategic brand consulting firm. Their motto is "creating brands that transform business". Their work involves taking an ordinary company and making it extraordinary. Their work stands out from other companies. I was especially interested in the Delta Sky Miles project. They created an unforgettable name, which stood out from other airline frequent flyer programs. A glimpse of the project:

The entire project and the rest of their work can be seen here:  LANDOR

I have also gotten all of the Amtrak travel brochures, and have been looking at the format and layout of the book as well as the information provided. I have found it to be informative so far.

For the upcoming week, I am focusing a lot of my time on my project proposal. I am extremely happy with the feedback I received on the draft proposal I wrote and will use the comments and suggests in the final proposal. I will make sure to pay special attention to my audience, as this was my biggest criticism in my comments. Also this week, I would like to begin to create some mock up logos and booklets, just to start and look at the styles and layouts I am interested in. I would also like to explore color, because I think color will play a very important role in my project.

IP work done this week: Worked on draft proposal (1.5 hours), researched (3 hours), read through amtrak brochures and took notes (1 hour), Consulted with Erica (1/2 hour), sketched (1/2 hour)

More updates next week!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Week 4: Research

I had originally planned on continuing to work on my logo this week, but I decided to put it on hold and focus my time further researching my subject matter. While I was researching , I discovered the line of Pullman trains which immediately intrigued me. I found them to be beautifully designed inside and out. I especially enjoyed the sophistication and feel of the inside of the trains, and the special attention to detail. The trains and especially the dining cars were said to be "the picture of extravagance, with elaborate chandeliers, silk shades and leather seating"(The History of Pullman Cars). They were a work of art in themselves.

While researching, I started to wonder what promoted people and their families to take these trains. Was it the elegance? The accessibility to certain locations? The amazing views? The questions are endless. In order to start to answer some of these questions, I looked at train promotion. Many of the vintage train-travel promotion played up the idea of meeting and socializing with interesting, well-dressed  fellow travelers. Many of the posters also featured phrases such as "forget about weather reports", acknowledging the fact that trains can travel under any weather conditions. I am drawn to the friendly feel of the posters as well as the light, muted color palette and whimsical typography.
A few examples of the promotional posters:

After being inspired by these posters, I started to look at other examples of vintage marketing and promotion. I came across vintage labels which were absolutely beautiful. The labels have a simple and delicate look that are stunning:

Goals for the upcoming week: My goal for the upcoming week is to discuss with my peers and other individuals about what would make people take a train over other modes of transportation. I would like to record this information to get a feel for people are looking for when traveling. In addition, I would like to continue to look at vintage marking and promotion and possibly do a mock up of my own poster with the same style in mind but the destination being Northern Michigan. As discussed in class, the promotion could be inspired by the "See America" campaign but rather "See Michigan". Exploration and Research are my main goals and I am excited to see what I can learn. 

IP work done this week: Discussion with Erica (45 minutes), Research on the culture and history of trains (3 hours), Research on vintage promotional material, marketing and packaging (3 hours), Started to Read my new book that I hope will be helpful with my logo and other materials titled Thinking with Type (30 minutes)