Sunday, November 14, 2010

Week 10: Logo Continued

This week, I continued to work on my logo. My goal was to try and work with lettering and fonts that were much less delicate than the ones I had worked with last week. However, in many cases I think the logos I designed look far too contemporary and are starting to move away from the style that I would like. The one logo I am still drawn to in this grouping is the one second down in the left hand column, although I am not sure if it is readable as an "N" and an "E". I am happy that I went down this road because now I know that the logos I did last week are much more the style I am looking for. I am still working hard towards a logo that gives off a "special event" feeling.  I will continue to work on logos and plan to bring many more variations to the critique on Thursday to ask opinions from the class. 
The logos designed this week:

In addition to my logo, I will start to sketch ideas for my brochures such as how I want it to be folded and what I want the outside shape to take. I think this will help me to move forward and continue to build an aesthetic for the train. 

Work done this week: Reading (2 hrs), Logo Design (3 hrs), Online invitation research (1 hr), Book research for logo design (1.5 hrs) 

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