Sunday, November 21, 2010

This week, worked on more variations of my existing logo designs. These variations were mostly my attempt at trying to portray the vintage, 1920s feel. I hoped to do this by the font choice, color and use of other elements such as framing, borders, and ribbons. Based on my research, these elements were essential in the design work that was done during that time period. I feel that these logos are a close (but far from perfect) reflection of the style that I was aiming for. Color also played a huge role in the design. I am happy with the feeling that I am getting from a few of these logos and feel that I am getting closer to the look and overall feel that I want for my train.

My concern at this point that was raised during the critique on Thursday, was that I am getting too far away from the feeling of up north. Questions were raised such as: what types of words would you use to define up north? What is the font communicating? These questions made me question whether I should be gearing my logo more towards the "feeling of northern michigan", the real essence of up north or sticking to the vintage charm. Can I have both? I would like to.

The biggest thing I got from the logo should reflect an experience, just like the train.

Goal for next week: get peer critiques...what should stay, what should go. Ask what feelings people get from the existing logos. Also, come up with KEY words for northern michigan and make sure that they are reflected in my design.

Work done this week: Library research and reading (3 hrs), logo work (5 hrs).


  1. Sounds great. I'm glad the critique was productive. I think you can incorporate both the vintage feel and the experience of being up north... but maybe focus on visualizing both separately before you put them together? Maybe there's some overlap that will appear as your developing both aspects.

    I would love to hear some of the words you came up with to describe your experiences up north- maybe mapping all of this out would be helpful. Look forward to talking with you soon-

  2. The Polar Express. Check it out.
