Sunday, November 21, 2010

This week, worked on more variations of my existing logo designs. These variations were mostly my attempt at trying to portray the vintage, 1920s feel. I hoped to do this by the font choice, color and use of other elements such as framing, borders, and ribbons. Based on my research, these elements were essential in the design work that was done during that time period. I feel that these logos are a close (but far from perfect) reflection of the style that I was aiming for. Color also played a huge role in the design. I am happy with the feeling that I am getting from a few of these logos and feel that I am getting closer to the look and overall feel that I want for my train.

My concern at this point that was raised during the critique on Thursday, was that I am getting too far away from the feeling of up north. Questions were raised such as: what types of words would you use to define up north? What is the font communicating? These questions made me question whether I should be gearing my logo more towards the "feeling of northern michigan", the real essence of up north or sticking to the vintage charm. Can I have both? I would like to.

The biggest thing I got from the logo should reflect an experience, just like the train.

Goal for next week: get peer critiques...what should stay, what should go. Ask what feelings people get from the existing logos. Also, come up with KEY words for northern michigan and make sure that they are reflected in my design.

Work done this week: Library research and reading (3 hrs), logo work (5 hrs).

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Week 10: Logo Continued

This week, I continued to work on my logo. My goal was to try and work with lettering and fonts that were much less delicate than the ones I had worked with last week. However, in many cases I think the logos I designed look far too contemporary and are starting to move away from the style that I would like. The one logo I am still drawn to in this grouping is the one second down in the left hand column, although I am not sure if it is readable as an "N" and an "E". I am happy that I went down this road because now I know that the logos I did last week are much more the style I am looking for. I am still working hard towards a logo that gives off a "special event" feeling.  I will continue to work on logos and plan to bring many more variations to the critique on Thursday to ask opinions from the class. 
The logos designed this week:

In addition to my logo, I will start to sketch ideas for my brochures such as how I want it to be folded and what I want the outside shape to take. I think this will help me to move forward and continue to build an aesthetic for the train. 

Work done this week: Reading (2 hrs), Logo Design (3 hrs), Online invitation research (1 hr), Book research for logo design (1.5 hrs) 

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Week 9: Logo

This week I made my first attempt at logos. At this point they are just basic sketches. In my logo designs, I incorporated the hand written "the escape" with other fonts that I felt demonstrated a retro feel. I also played around with using different shapes as borders to the text to mimic a vintage photo frame. My first attempt logos can be seen below: 

I think that I learned a lot from these first designs. First, I realized that while the hand written text I made may be beautiful, it may also be too delicate for a logo and hard to read. In addition, this text looks a little too feminine. As discussed in a mini critique on Thursday, I should remember that the train is a heavy machine too. From this discussion, I have some logo ideas which could remain delicate while having more power than the current designs. I know that my logo needs to stand alone. I am now still wanting to draw my own font but keep it more simple and less delicate. Further, I would still like to work with the framing around the text making it look like a stamp. Lots of trail and error and work a head of me! More logos to come... 

IP work done this week: Read design books (1/2 hr), worked on logo designs (4.5 hrs), Meet with design group and Seth (1/2 hr), discussed work with peers (1 hr)