Saturday, February 12, 2011

poster designs

I am under way on my poster designs and would like to share them with you! I have finally found a method that it giving me the results that I am looking for. They are not finished but here are two of the images that I would like to use on my posters in progress:

I did a mock up poster with one of the unfinished images to see what it would look like with text: 

And finally, the beginning design for the menu: 

Lots in progress, I would love your feedback!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


I have not updated my blog in a while so I would like to show the work that I ended the semester with and where I am now. At the mid semester critique, I ended by showing my critique group this poster:

They criticized this poster because they said that it looked as if it could be going anywhere and my project talks specifically about going to Northern Michigan. In addition, while I was using design elements to get the vintage feel that I wanted, they felt that it was starting to look a little "cut and paste". They expressed that I should take a few weeks to look at images and maps of northern Michigan to enlarge my current material. 
Following this critique, I took the next few weeks collecting images that I have taken from up north. After I collected them, I started to merge them together into panoramas to explore the feeling of up north. A example of the panoramas that I put together can be seen here: 

While I really enjoy the images and the paint-like quality of this panorama, I felt like it did not match the overall aesthetic that I am going for. The photographs, although tinted, still look too modern for the vintage feeling that I have been using in my typography. I tried to work in the photography with the text in a poster seen here:

My conclusions following this piece was that I needed to have a more hand drawn image to go along with the typography that I have and would like to be using. I developed this image:
I liked the idea here, however, instead of looking beautifully hand-drawn i feel as if it looks childish. My next attempt at an image can be seen below. I drew the image that I wanted and am in the process of working in color in photoshop, keeping the sketch quality that I want in the image. 
I am really happy with how this image is coming out and I feel like it will work well with the style that I want. In addition to working on this image this week, I have also been tweaking my logo. I realized that I wanted it to be more simple and use less of the cluttered ornaments. My current logo can be seen below:

Finally, this week I have begun my train ticket which I am happy with so far. 

I also experimented with letterpress this week, it was so cool! Lots going on and I finally feel like I am moving in a good direction!