Friday, September 17, 2010

Week 2

I spent the beginning of this week focusing my time on my love for home decor and the "shabby chic" style. I created a collage/design board by visiting many home decor websites (such as country living) and looking at what was striking about each room. During this process, I discovered that while I am extremely interested in the physical object placed in a room I am more drawn to the space and the atmosphere created by a collection of objects.
My studio time on Thursday was spent doing research on a completely different subject matter: graphic design and branding. I looked at many different websites and read about what it means to brand a company and create an identity. Further, I learned that while it is important to create an outstanding logo for your company it is just as important to create an atmosphere. This type of branding is considered environmental branding, where the environment plays a significant role in the company. For example, the metro airport. I think that I could practice environmental branding with my love for design and home elements by creating not only a graphic quality to my work such as a logo but an entire feeling and atmosphere. 
An example of creating corporate identity: 

Next, I think that I should start to further identify what spaces and things I am most interested in when it comes to home decor. In addition, I would like to start deciding if my company is going to be real or fake (if I am going to take an already made brand and rebrand it or create my own from scratch). After I decide this, I would like to start to sketch a logo and come up with a theme for the company. 

This week: Research 3 hrs, discussed ideas with Amanda 1/2 hr, wrote notes and brainstormed in my notebook 2 hrs, discussed ideas with peers 1 hr, worked on photo collage/design board 2 hrs. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey Alana,

    The prospect of starting a new company is exciting! Maybe you could incorporate your graphic design interest with your desire to create atmosphere through interior design? Have you thought about making how-to books for how to create and atmosphere in interior spaces?

    There are so many directions this could take- that I think you need to keep narrowing things down. It seems like you've found some things you're excited about doing... so now I want to hear- what specific design work inspires you? Do you have any causes you're passionate about? What do you like about branding and rebranding? Let's keep narrowing things down so you feel like you have a focus to drive forward-

    I'll be in the studio tomorrow if you want to chat-
